
The Santiago demonstrator site will study, design and build 4 infiltration ponds to recharge an aquifer that is being used for irrigation, affected by saline intrusions. The ponds will be built in the headwaters of S. Miguel sub-basin (with an area of 14.4 km2), which is part of the Santa Cruz river basin (the basin with the largest area in Santiago, 355 km2, and the largest total precipitation volume, 121 hm3).

The S. Miguel sub-basin is known for its agricultural potential, and the local geology includes pillow lava and greenish tuff layers, making it a good destination for testing GENESIS concepts.


The sizing and construction of the pounds will follow with the identification and study of suitable alternatives having high infiltration-recharge capacity, the engagement with local communities, the digitalisation of the NbS infrastructure (ponds, existing water wells, dugs and springs) and the setup of a monitoring programme. Construction and exploitation costs will be recorded and used for assessing the cost-benefit of the NbS implemented.