
The Madeira demonstrator site will study, design and build four to six infiltration ponds in the headwaters of Ribeira Brava watershed to minimise storm runoff peak discharge and maximise infiltration and aquifer recharge. This watershed has an area of about 41 km², and borders with significantly higher altitudes than the Madeira central region, which denotes a steep slope that tends to supply the main watercourse quickly.

The watershed has a significant rate of soil sealing by urbanisation and pavements, and the precipitation catchment area supplies the stream that borders Ribeira Brava parish (hosting more than 13,000 inhabitants).


The design and construction of the pounds will follow the identification and study of suitable alternatives having high infiltration-recharge capacity (if possible in the vicinity of existing detention infrastructure to leverage its capacity), the engagement of local citizens and stakeholders in the adjustment of the NbS solution, the full digitalisation of the NbS infrastructure and the definition of a monitoring programme, the construction and implementation of the NbS, and the definition of its cost-benefit.